Ema and Magnus


Dear Ia and New Life team

We are couple from Sweden. Before we have not even heard about surrogacy. We had so many trial of IVF and we have been trying to have a baby for several years. We were completely exhausted of doing various medical threatents.

We have found out about New Life from our friend. She was so grateful and satisfied of New Life`s support that we have not even searched for any other agency. We scheduled a meeting and arrived in Tbilisi. Met Beta plus fertility doctors and we were so impressed.

We were incredibly happy when we had been informed that we had a twins pregnancy received. Special thanks to all New Life staff. Ia who helped patiently during 9 month and responded all our questions and concerns on time. Thanks to Sophie who helped on the initial stage and then Tatia who assisted us at the end of the surrogacy journey.

Especially during Corona Pandemic we realized how supportive and caring agency is New Life. During the pregnancy of our SM or after the twins birth they were next to us. We definitely recommend this agency to other couples who are still hesitating where to go.