Dear Intended Parents

My name is Dr. Mariam Kukunashvili, founder of New Life, a global network of IVF clinics and egg donation and surrogacy agencies which currently operate in nine Countries. My story has led me to one of the most rewarding experiences I ever could have dreamed of: bringing the joy of parenthood to over 7,000 families throughout the world. However, I didn’t always know this would be my story to tell.

Growing up, I had a loving family. My mother was a teacher and my father was a lecturer at the Tbilisi State Academy of Art. I looked forward to the day I would have a family of my own, but I wanted to dedicate my life to helping other families first, so I attended Tbilisi State Medical University. After graduation, I worked in the emergency care department as a nurse before becoming a night shift doctor. During the day, I devoted my time to working on EU commissions and USA Embassy healthcare projects.

In the middle of it all, I fell in love with and married the most amazing man I had ever met. We were so happy and excited to start our own family, together.

But then we found out “I am infertile”.

I was scared. I’d dreamed of becoming a mother for so long, but was that even possible now? Would I ever be able to make my dream a reality? How would I ever make my husband happy if I couldn’t give him the children he desired? Could he still love me the way he had before? I had so many questions, but I was left with so few answers.

Because of the nature of our work at the time, my husband and I were considered well-off financially;

but, fertility treatment was expensive, and even with our income, it was going to take at least six months to save enough money just to _try_ stimulations and IVF, with no guarantee they would work.

And **the treatments didn’t work**.

My husband and I went through failure after failure with 11 unsuccessful IVF attempts, four surgeries, and an ectopic pregnancy, our hearts breaking more each time, and our financial situation becoming worse with each attempt at achieving our dream of parenthood. Every failure at conceiving a child brought us indescribable grief, a pain that only those who have suffered through infertility struggles can understand. The pain I’m sure you can understand and feel in your heart right now at this very moment.

But despite the struggles, I knew it was too early to give up! There was a solution to help make our dreams come true. Through surrogacy, my husband and I have been blessed with three beautiful, healthy children to complete our family. Our hearts are full, and so is our home. Yours can be, too.

That’s why I started New Life. I wanted a way to make sure no family was left with the heartbreak of a broken dream. When you put your faith in us, you are putting your family into the hands of compassionate people that have been there. We understand your pain, your struggles, and your unending desire to have a baby and family of your own.

We will do everything we can to make that dream come true. And it will come true.

Moral, emotional, and financial support with answers to your questions from the very beginning through the end of your journey is only part of what we do here at New Life. Not only are we guided by highly qualified and experienced professionals, but we are people, too. Empathy and dedication compel us to do more and do better every day, for every family that comes to us for help.

That’s how we have achieved our exceptional success rates; because we never give up, and you shouldn’t either. It’s too early to give up: there is a happy ending to your story, with the miracle of life and a beautiful new baby in your arms. We are here for you, and we will take your hand and walk with you every step of the way until we make your dream of parenthood become a true reality.

Your baby is waiting for you.

Are you ready to meet them?

Mariam Kukunashvili, MD, PhD

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