
A & F from Australia

“I never thought I would have children, I was diagnosed with Cancer when i was 15 years old and I had my sperm frozen. I met my wife and we started to try for a child through IVF, we went to all the places possible in the world and had no luck. We had the […]

M & J from USA

“Thank you for your email. We heard last week that both myself and my partner are pregnant. We are very excited about that. We have to wait until Thursday for the first scan to see if everything is ok and how many there may be. I will let you know how we go.How is our […]

J80 from USA

“Hi again Mariam! I just told my husband the news & he cannot stop laughing I think he is little hysterical…he cant believe we have baby happening on other side of our world! Don’t worry I told him Maka forbids us from getting too excited but, we cannot stop smiling 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 […]


“Hello Dr. Kukunashvili, Thank you so much for passing on this wonderful news. Really the best news I’ve ever received – even I I I II will try not to get too excited – because, as you say – it’s a long way from a positive pregnancy test to an actual live birth – but […]

T. P from USA

“My dear Mariam, I’m fine, every day my thinking is there in Tbilisi! my body is here at home, but with my mind is there by you! Hear from you is always a pleasure, your words always give me strength and confidence! Now more than ever, finally the news that I waited so long is […]

J from USA

“I would, and do, give the agency my strongest endorsement andrecommendation. In fact, I have recommended Mariam and her colleaguesto family, and to several of our close friends. Here is a bit of the “why” and “how” I came to a positive evaluationof her and the agency. First, in working with them I found the […]

M and C from Canada

“After a week in your country, home again … oh so good!!! Thank you Mariam for all you did for us, you could abandon us as he did Butenco, Natalia & co. No one could force but you have chosen to be right with us. Thank you, thank you Mariam! I have to tell you […]

N and F from United Kingdom

“10 years have passed, wishing and wanting for children. After three failed IVF attempts and two unsuccessful insemination procedures things were really looking doubtful. Then we met Mariam who suggested using one of her Egg Donors and healthy Surrogate Mother. Dr Nana performed the miracle inception which has given my wife and I, two beautiful […]

Giulia and Paolo

“Dear Maka and Dear Mariam, This weekend we go home, not seems to be true! Our dream came true thanks to you, your commitment, your availability, your kindness and professionalism in the field. The hospital was up to the task, all very nice and helpful. This journey has been long, difficult and full of obstacles, […]

Dearest Maka and Mariam and Tamara!!

“You don’t know what a joy tears and laughter and happiness you brought to us with the positive result!! We pray for the baby and Lia that all goes smooth and easy till the end. Lia looks like such a nice woman!! I really would like to be her friend on Facebook 2 with google […]

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