
Dear Tamari,

Dear Tamari, We have been trying to have a child for many years including 5 failed attempts using IVF. Child surrogacy was our last hope. We chose New Life, Georgia based on its reputation described in online forums. We are delighted to report that with New Life in Georgia we are now looking after our […]

Samatha and James

Dear Tamar, We are Samatha and James from the UK. We have put many efforts for receiving a pregnancy over 6 years to have a baby but the efforts were not successful before we agreed that the last option had to be surrogacy at New Life Georgia because we have done deep internet research as […]

Joshi family

Dear Tamar, We are a couple from The UK and we had been trying to have a baby for the past 6 years to complete our family. After a few miscarriages, we decided to try surrogacy in Georgia and came to New life. At New Life, we have gotten really lucky since we have received […]

Mrs. Shamendree and Mr. Kuveshan

Dear Tamar, We are a couple from Canada. We had several IVF and have been trying to have a baby over 10 years. Due to some medical reasons, we had to start looking at some other options. That is why we have done deep online research, read many reviews to find New Life Georgia and […]

Mrs. Maria and Mr. Christoffer

Dear Tamar, We are a couple from Sweden. We started trying IVF 4 years ago but realized quite early that we were not going to be able to have children on our own. That is why we started looking for other alternatives and of course, surrogacy was one of them. Initially, we found a Facebook […]

Mr. Tomohiko and Mrs. Tomoko

Dear Tamar, We are a couple from Japan, who have been trying to have a baby for more than 20 years. From the beginning, we have decided to do IVF and spent over 10 years on unsuccessful trying and another 10 years to have a baby through surrogacy all over the place (From South Korea […]

Revital and Yanai

My dear Ia We are Revital and Yanai couple from Israel . We have been trying to have a baby for 10 years. One of our friend had recommended about Surrogacy agency at New Life Georgia. We did a research in the internet and we found very good reviews about the clinic. Soon we arranged […]

Ramneak and Jet

Dear New Life team We are British couple Ramneak and Jet. We have our first baby girl born via surrogacy at New Life Georgia. After this miracle was born we did not think where to go for the sibling program so , after 2 years we came back to the agency and started second program. […]

Mina and Inderjit

Dear Ia We are couple from the UK. We have been trying to have a baby for 18 years. During this time period we have had so many unsuccessful trials and failed treatment in many different countries. Once we were in India for the treatment and one of our doctor advised us about the surrogacy […]

Marichu and Roman

Dear Ia, We are couple from Canada. Through the 12 years that we have been married we tried to have a baby naturally, with multiple ICSI and then IVF cycles – nothing worked, but we were not willing to give up on our dream. We found out about New Life Georgia after doing extensive online […]

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